Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ebola Virus Explained

Received from Wg.Cdr. Suresh Karnik
21 October 2014, 19:05, suresh karnik <> wrote:

 What Is Ebola Virus?

There is currently an Ebola outbreak putting all of us at risk.
What is Ebola? It's a virus that attacks a person's blood system: Ebola is what scientists call a haemorrhagic fever - it operates by making its victims bleed from almost anywhere on their body. Usually victims bleed to death.
Ebola is highly contagious; Being transmitted via contact with body fluids such as blood, sweat, saliva, semen or other body discharges.
Ebola is however NOT AN AIRBORNE VIRUS! EXTREMELY deadly: About 90% of people that catch Ebola will die from it. It's one of the deadliest diseases in the world, killing in just a few weeks.
Untreatable (no cure): Ebola has no known treatment or cure. Victims are usually treated for symptoms with the faint hope that they recover.
How Do I Know Someone has Ebola? ∙Fever ∙Headache ∙Diarrhoea ∙Vomiting ∙Weakness ∙Joint Muscle pains ∙Stomach Pain ∙Lack of Appetite.
Protect Yourself: ∙Wash Your Hands with Soap. Do this a lot. You can also use a good hand sanitizer. Avoid unnecessary physical contact with people.
 ■Restrict yourself to food you prepared yourself.

■Disinfect Your Surroundings. The virus cannot survive disinfectants, heat, direct sunlight, detergents and soaps. Clean up: ∙Fumigate if you have Pests. ∙Rodents can be carriers of Ebola. ∙Fumigate your environment dispose off the carcasses properly! ∙Dead bodies CAN still transmit Ebola. ∙Don't touch them without protective gear or better yet avoid them altogether.
 Protect Yourself: Use protective gear if you must care or go near someone you suspect has Ebola.

Report: Report any suspicious symptoms in yourself or anyone else IMMEDIATELY.
Do not delay!
John A.Thomas
Dr. John A.Thomas,MD,FRCPath, FAMS


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