Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ebola Virus Explained

Received from Wg.Cdr. Suresh Karnik
21 October 2014, 19:05, suresh karnik <> wrote:

 What Is Ebola Virus?

There is currently an Ebola outbreak putting all of us at risk.
What is Ebola? It's a virus that attacks a person's blood system: Ebola is what scientists call a haemorrhagic fever - it operates by making its victims bleed from almost anywhere on their body. Usually victims bleed to death.
Ebola is highly contagious; Being transmitted via contact with body fluids such as blood, sweat, saliva, semen or other body discharges.
Ebola is however NOT AN AIRBORNE VIRUS! EXTREMELY deadly: About 90% of people that catch Ebola will die from it. It's one of the deadliest diseases in the world, killing in just a few weeks.
Untreatable (no cure): Ebola has no known treatment or cure. Victims are usually treated for symptoms with the faint hope that they recover.
How Do I Know Someone has Ebola? ∙Fever ∙Headache ∙Diarrhoea ∙Vomiting ∙Weakness ∙Joint Muscle pains ∙Stomach Pain ∙Lack of Appetite.
Protect Yourself: ∙Wash Your Hands with Soap. Do this a lot. You can also use a good hand sanitizer. Avoid unnecessary physical contact with people.
 ■Restrict yourself to food you prepared yourself.

■Disinfect Your Surroundings. The virus cannot survive disinfectants, heat, direct sunlight, detergents and soaps. Clean up: ∙Fumigate if you have Pests. ∙Rodents can be carriers of Ebola. ∙Fumigate your environment dispose off the carcasses properly! ∙Dead bodies CAN still transmit Ebola. ∙Don't touch them without protective gear or better yet avoid them altogether.
 Protect Yourself: Use protective gear if you must care or go near someone you suspect has Ebola.

Report: Report any suspicious symptoms in yourself or anyone else IMMEDIATELY.
Do not delay!
John A.Thomas
Dr. John A.Thomas,MD,FRCPath, FAMS


Tuesday, 14 October 2014

CAUTION; LADY approaching from bogus LPG gas company

A cautionary message received from Wg.Cdr.Sursh Karnik is posted below for your information.

On Monday, 13 October 2014, 18:27, suresh karnik <> wrote:

This is for Pune people.
Be alert.
There is a lady (and may be a group of people) may come to your house
and ask for annual membership of Rs 200 for gas stove maintenance. She
is from so called 'LPG' company which is bogus company. She carries
company id and set of membership cards and chloroform as well. She may
ask for using your toilet and may call her group and explain the
position and situation of the house and they will break in and rob
each and every thing in your house , Do not allow her into your house
, instead try to inform police immediately. Currently she/this group
is operating very actively.

Do send this message and save someone from robbery / life /  untoward
incident. Her I Card ( so called ), is attached.

Friday, 10 October 2014

New MV act to be imposed Nationwide wef tomorrow

New Motor Vehicle Act passed

Offence                        Fine
Four Wheeler 
Without Belt             Rs. 1000
Without PUC             Rs. 1500
Without Insurance   Rs. 10000
Without paper         Rs. 5000
                           and endorsement
Without license      Rs. 10000
and vehicle papers
All original papers should be taken along while Driving
Speaking on Mobile Phone while driving Rs. 5000
Drunken Driving Rs. 25000
Three time Memo   License endorsement  in both two and four wheelers.
After 3rd time of such offence...license stands cancelled pan India.

Please inform in all your friends.
Effective from tomorrow.

Friday, 3 October 2014

The way it should always be.

Dear Members,
I had received this mail from a friend of mine. I was impressed. So I thought I would share it with you.


(Later 'RA' means 'Rear Admiral)

The way it should always be.